
    Is there a God?

    Revert Story…

    My name is Muhammad Tim Humble and I accepted Islam at the age of 14. Its a very young age to accept Islam....


    Allâh gave us all a mind. He gave us all the ability to reason, to think, to reflect. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me that someone can look to this great earth from the largest items, a mountain, to the smallest, a breath, and deny the existence of Allâh , to deny the hand of Allâh in creating such an extraordinary world. I know that even when all the evidences are laid before man, if Allâh does not confer him with guidance as well, he will remain blind, deaf and dumb. Reflect on this...

    Some Signs to Ponder over

    Reflecting upon our surroundings and the magnificence of nature can only lead us to one conclusion. There is a Lord and Creator.

    The Creation is in Need of Allah

    Man always looks for what benefits him and what protects him from harm. However, to accomplish this, man must be able to realize what is harmful.

    Memoirs from the life of Imam Ahmad

    A brief history of the life of Imam Ahmad and how he would get persecuted because of his love for the Sunnah and his stand against those that would seek to corrupt it.

    Who Do Muslims Worship?

    The submission of man to his Creator is the essence of Islam. The word "Islam" literally means, "to submit" or "to surrender." The real question one should ask is: "submit and surrender" to whom?

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