
    Comparative Religion

    Learning The Truth about ‘Issa (Jesus) [2/4]

    The Second in a four part series, highlighting the reality of Jesus (as), Prophet/Messenger or son of God/god?: In particular this part concentrates on, Who was Marium? And the Truth about the Immaculate Conception and the Birth of ‘Isaa (AS)

    Learning The Truth about ‘Issa (Jesus) [1/4]

    First in a four part series, highlighting the reality of Jesus (as), Prophet/Messenger or son of God/god?: One of the greatest hurdles confronting Muslims today is a lack of knowledge about certain essential beliefs that we as Muslims must unwaveringly adhere to. Of the most pertinent issues facing Muslims living in localities that are heavily influenced by western culture is how we view ‘Issa bin Marium -Jesus the Son of Mary – ‘alihi as-Salaam (AS).

    Jesus in Islam

    The Islamic view of Jesus lies between two extremes. The Jews, who rejected Isa as a Prophet, called him an imposter. The Christians, on the other hand, considered him to be the son of God and worship him as such. Islam considers Isa to be one of the great Prophets of Allah.

    A True Story of How a Christian Preacher Embraced Islam

    As a former minister and elder of the Christian church, it has become incumbent upon me to enlighten those that continue to walk in darkness. After embracing Islam I felt a dire need to help those who have not yet been blessed to experience the light of Islam.

    Some Thoughts on the ‘Proofs’ of the Alleged Divinity of Jesus

    One of the crucial issues which separates Islam and Christianity is their beliefs concerning the nature of Jesus - peace be upon him. The majority of Christians believe that Jesus is "Divine", i.e. they believe him to be God incarnate. Muslims, on the other hand, beleive that Jesus was only a great Prophet of God and a faultless human being.

    Obligation of a Muslim Towards a Non-Muslim

    A few basic responsibilities of a every Muslim towards the non-Muslims...

    From "Answers to Common Questions From New Muslims" © IANA

    Learning The Truth about ‘Issa (Jesus) [4/4]

    The final part in a four part series, highlighting the reality of Jesus (as), Prophet/Messenger or son of God/god?: In particular this part concentrates on,‘Issa bin Marium: His Inevitable Return and the coming of the False Messiah, ad-Dajjal

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