
    The Quran

    The Interpretion of the Qur’an (Tafseer)

    The topic of tafseer is the most important topic of 'uloom al-Quran, since in many ways it is the primary goal of 'uloom al-Quran — to understand and implement the Qur'aan properly. This has also been the first topic of 'uloom al-Quran to have been written on, and without a doubt the one in which most of the works in this field have been written about.

    Etiquette with the Word of Allah, the Noble Qur’an

    A Muslim believes in the sacredness of the Speech of Allah, as well as its honour and virtue that surpasses the speech of all others. He also believes that the Noble Qur'an is the Word of Allah, which no falsehood can approach, before it or behind it. Whoever speaks in accord with the Qur'an, has spoken the truth. Whoever judges according to it, has judged justly.

    Faith has a language

    The Qur'an is Allah's way of communicating with us, of directly guiding us on his path. But has that communication actually occurred? Look at any college level "Communications" textbook, and it will tell you that the definition of "communication" is that a message is sent, and that message is received with the understanding that the sender intended.

    A Reminder of the Story of `Ad and Thamûd

    A reminder from the Qur'ân about the end of two previous haughty disbelieving nations. From Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr

    Luqmân’s Advice to his Son

    The Qur’ân contains ten precious advices Luqmân offered his son. Following is the list of this advice offered to Muslim parents, that they may communicate them to their children, family and members of society that they may implement them. If this valuable advise is followed and implemented then we will all be on the straight Path leading to Paradise.

    33 Lessons from Sûrah Yûsuf

    Regarding the last ayah of sûrah Yûsuf wherein Allâh subhânahu wa ta â'la says: "Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding" This story is from the best of stories because of what it relates from the varying phases of life; from trial to tribulation, from being tested to being blessed, from humiliation to grandeur, from slavery to kingship, from division to unity, from grief to joy, from superfluity to famine, from famine to glut, from hardship to ease, and from denial to affirmation. So blessed be the One who revealed it in the best manner possible.

    Muslims need for the Qur’ân and Sunnah

    Friday Sermon given at the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, August 9th 2002 :“This is a Book which We have revealed unto you in order that you might lead the mankind out of darkness into light by their Lord’s leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Owner of all praise.” (Al-Ibrâhîm 14 :2)

    al-Isrâ’îliyât – The Tales of the Tribes of Israel in Exegisis

    This article is abridged from, âr-Râ Khâti ah wa Riwayât Bâtilah fî Siyar al-Anbiyah wal-Mursalîn: In Islamic jurisprudence and terminology the term al-Isrâ’îliyât is used to describe a narration that originates from Jewish (Biblical) sources.

    ‘Ulûm al-Qur’ân #7-Tafsir by the Statement of The Companions

    From the book 'An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an' - This article is the seventh part of an on going series, highlighting the various issues of Tafsir...

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