

    Patience in the Qur’ân

    Imâm Ahmad said: “Allâh has mentioned patience in the Qur’ân in ninety places.” Here, we will list the different contexts in which patience appears.

    Sabr: Patiently Persevering

    Allāh, Glorious and Most High, made patience a race horse that never falters or stumbles, a sword that never loses its sharpness, a vanquishing...

    Coping with Trials, Misfortunes & Life’s Pitiless Storms

    The believer lives under the awareness that whatever we have or enjoy is ultimately a gift on loan to us from Allah

    The Concept of Sabr (patience) in Islam

    What is Patience? and why is it important in Islam.“ "There is no affliction which strikes the Muslim except that Allah expiates with it (sins), even with a thorn that may poke him.”"

    Patience is Like its Name

    Patience is a noble mannerism of the soul that prevents it from doing that which is not good or pleasing; it is a quality of the soul which leads to its correction and rectification.

    A test that calibrates the heart with truth

    Allah tests as according to our level. Passing these tests raises our emaan and draws us closer to Allah.

    The Amazing Patience of the Prophet Ayub (Job)

    How would you react if you lost your wealth, your children and your health all within quick succession? This is the story of the Prophet Ayub.

    Patience with Trials and Hardship

    Whoever suffered an affliction and he knew that it occurred by Allah’s Judgement and Decree, and he patiently abides, awaiting Allah’s reward, then Allah guides his heart, and will compensate him for his loss in this life by granting guidance to his heart and certainty in faith. Allah will replace whatever he lost for Him with the same or what is better.

    Gratitude in the Qur’ân

    Allâh has divided people into two categories, the people of gratitude (shukr) and the people of ingratitude (kufr). The thing most disliked by Him is kufr and the people of kufr, the thing most liked by Him is gratitude and the people of gratitude.

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