
    Purification of the Soul

    Good Conduct

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 9th Rabee’ul-Awwal 1422AH:...Prophet saws said: 'Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up an evil deed with a good one - it will erase it - and treat people with good conduct'...

    God-fearing ‘Aalim and his importance to the Ummah

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 24th Shawwaal 1421AH: ...Scholars of Islaam...are to the earth what the stars are to the heaven. It is through them that the confused get guidance and people’s need of them is greater than their need of food and drink...

    Hajj: A Symbol of Tawheed

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 29th Dhul-Qa'dah 1421AH:...let this great occasion be an avenue for self-examination. Let it be an opportunity for renewing ones allegiance to the book of Allah and the sunnah of His Prophet saws


    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 21st Dhul-Qa‘dah 1421AH:...‘Alee t said: “Do not be concerned with smallness of deed; rather be concerned with the acceptance of that deed.”

    The Concept of Worship According to the Salaf

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 21st Dhul-Hijjah 1421AH:...; nor did they use to get sad over whatever departed from them of this world. Rather, the world was less significant to them than the soil over which they walked. They would act by the book of their Lord and the sunnah of the Prophet saws. During the night they stood up in prayer, prostrated their faces and wept out of fear of Allah..

    Al–Ihsaan – Perfection In Acts Of Worship

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 7 Dhul-Hijjah 1421AH:...having the privilege of seeing the Gracious Countenance of Allah on the last day is a suitable reward for Ihsaan (i.e. good deeds) because ihsaan means to worship Allah in this world as if one sees Him...

    As Ramadan Passes by…

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet ‎ﷺ's Mosque in Madina, on 26th Ramadan 1421AH:..."He who does not abstain from falsehood in sayings and deeds (while fasting), Allah is no need of his abandoning food and drink."

    Competing for the Hereafter…

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 22nd Ramadan 1421AH: The Last ten days of Ramadan...Dear brethren, when one carefully looks at peoples’ behavior, he will notice different kinds of competition. Some people do compete over this mundane world as to conquer and hold it in their possession; some compete over the attainment of high positions; some compete to achieve fame and stardom and some compete on building luxurious houses just as if this world is an everlasting one

    The advice of Ibraaheem ibn Adham

    "If you accept five conditions," said Ibrahim, "and are able to put them into practice, your disobedience will not cause you any problem."

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