
    Purification of the Soul

    The Day of ‘Ashura: The Children of Israel were saved from Pharaoh and His Army Who drowned

    Ayat 2:49-50 (Al-Baqarah) From Tafsir Ibn Kathir published by dar-us-salam, it provides the background to the reason why muslims are recommended to fast on the dayof Ashura as commanded by Prophet Muhammed salallahu alayhe was salam

    Developing Love for Allah

    ....these are ten matters which cause the lover to reach the station of true love for Allah, so that he may then reach Allah - his Beloved

    Love of Allah

    A Beautiful Poem excerpted from the book An-Nuniyyah, by the great scholar of the past, known as the Doctor of the Soul, At-Tabib an-Nufus

    Thirteen Blessed Days

    With Allah's bounty, we are at the doors of very blessed days for both the hajeej (pilgrims) and the residents. So we should know the Sunnah regarding these days in order to make the best out of them.

    Standing Firm in Obeying Allah

    Shawaal 13, 1422 (December 28, 2001): He also made this world like a marketplace where people go back and forth; some selling themselves and some freeing themselves. Days are but parts and stages of one’s life. The passage of each day reduces one’s lifespan, brings one closer to death and brings the record of one’s deeds to a gradual end.

    Who should one befriend?

    Friday Sermon given at the Holy Mosque in Makkah, Jumaadal–Ulaa 27, 1422AH: "Friends on that Day (the Day of Judgement) will be foes except al–Muttaqoon (the pious)."(Az–Zukhruf 43: 67)

    Life After Ramadan

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 3rd Shawwaal 1421AH:...One of our righteous predecessors said: “Each day in which no act of disobedience to Allah is committed is Eid and each day a believer spent in acts of obedience to his Lord is Eid."


    Taken From the Book Minhaj al-Muslim Vol.2: From the wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr is that it purifies the fasting soul from the effects of useless, non-beneficial speech (or acts) and obscene speech (or behavior). Likewise, it keeps the poor and needy people from having to beg on the day of ‘Eid.

    Ramadan: The Month of Standing Up at Night

    From the Book 30 lessons for those who Fast: If nights set in, the hearts of the negligent sleep and the spirits of the playful die while the hearts of the believers come to life with wide awakened and fearful eyes. How can one who remembers the repose of the grave, the gathering of mankind and the decisive manifestation ever sleep?...

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