
    Islamic Manners


    The virtuous people are those who acknowledge the virtue of the people of virtue, especially the scholars, and especially those who are old in age, and especially the parents…

    Ar-Riyaa (Showing Off)

    What has been said about Showing off in the Quran and Sunnah and its cures.

    Manners and Traits Every Muslim Should be Adorned with

    Islam prescribes certain manners and traits for every Muslim to adorn his / her character

    Beware of jealousy, for verily it destroys good deeds the way fire destroys wood

    He (sallallâhû alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Beware of jealousy, for verily it destroys good deeds the way fire destroys wood." [Abû Dawûd]

    Bad Characteristics: Envy

    The Muslim does not envy, since envy is not part of the Muslim characteristic, it will not befit the Muslim as long as he has a love of good for others and behaves unselfishly. This is because envy is a contradiction to the love of good for others and selflessness.

    How the Islamic faith encourages worldly advancement

    The Muslims are not like anyone else. When they adhere to their religion, they are at the forefront in worldly affairs too, but when they forsake their religion and neglect it, they end up tailing behind others. The Muslims’ religion motivates them to advance, and they fall behind when they fall away from their religion.

    The Most Merciful shows Mercy to those who have Mercy on Others

    Allah has named Himself Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem, so he is the Most Merciful of this world and the Hereafter (i.e. Ar-Rahmaan) and the bestower and giver of mercy (i.e. Raheem). This is why He has commanded it in every place and in every situation. So every action that is void of mercy, then there is no blessing in it, nor any good. And the servants of Allah showing mercy towards one another is a cause for Allah sending His mercy down on them.

    Kindness and Generosity

    Generosity is a characteristic of the Muslim, and kindness is his disposition. The Muslim should not be miserly and stingy, for these are two reprehensible traits whose presence spoils the soul and darkens the heart. The Muslim's faith and righteous deeds purify and radiate his heart, so being stingy and miserly negates the purity of the soul, and the light of the heart. So a Muslim is not miserly or stingy.

    Justice and Equality

    The Muslim considers justice in its general context to be one of the most obligatory and necessary obligations, since Allah commanded it in His saying...

    "Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and doing good, and giving (help) to kith and kin." (16:90).

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