
    Islamic Manners

    The Benefits of Eating With the Hand and Its Superiority

    Eating with your hands is natural, enjoyable and beneficial to health. Although it is regarded as impolite and unclean, particularly in the West, it...

    Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

    Nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. It protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that...

    Acquiring good characteristics

    A good attitude is the characteristic of the best of the Messengers and is the best action of the righteous.

    “…If you try to make him slip, you will never make him slip.”

    A look at the favourable characteristics of a believer relying mostly on statements of the past scholars

    Because Forgiveness is The Nature of The Free

    Discussion regarding apologies, accepting excuses and forgiving.

    Forgiveness – An Important Virtue

    Forgiveness is not easy to do and that is why the rewards are so high. Someone may say: ‘I will forgive everyone except for such and such a person because you don’t know what s/he’s done to me’. Remember what we have done against Allah and yet he forgives us for nothing in return.

    The Great Virtue of Lowering the Gaze

    It is for this reason that lowering ones gaze from (seeing) the prohibited things necessarily leads to three benefits that carry tremendous value and are of great significance.

    Explanation: “No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach.”

    “That which has killed mankind is the introduction of food on top of food before it has been digested.”

    The Mother of the Believers : an Example for Women

    Enjoining certain Manners so that the Mothers of the Believers may be an Example; and the Prohibition of Tabarruj

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