The Last of the Ramadân Warriors
Allâh ta'ala tells us in the Qurân; a verse that we read so many times in the past month:
"O ye who believe! Fasting was prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may become pious."
Remaining Steadfast After Ramadân
From Ahâdîth us-Siyâm: Ahkâm wa Adab
Exerting Oneself During the Last Ten Days of Ramadân
The Month of Ramadhân: The Tarâwîh Prayers
(Adapted from the works of the two Shaykhs ibn Bâz and ibn Uthaymîn rahimahumallâh)
The Objectives of Fasting (Maqâsid as-Sawm) #2
The Objectives of Fasting (Maqâsid as-Sawm) #1