

    How Might One Obtain Ikhlaas

    vital advice about conditioning the heart to become sincere

    Ikhlas: Curing Riyaa’

    list of points with explanations on how to cure the disease of riyaa

    The Nature of Intention

    Actions are only by intention, and every man shall only have what he intended.

    Have what you Intended

    Explaining the meaning of intention, and discussing matters pertaining to it.

    The Causes of Riyâ’

    The primary cause of riyâ' is a weakness in Îmân. When a person does not have strong faith in Allâh, he will prefer the admiration of people over the pleasure of Allâh. This weakness in îmân causes a person to ignore the blessings and rewards of the Hereafter, and increases a person's desire for fame and prestige in this world.

    Warning Signs of Riyâ’ (Showing Off)

    Certain actions do not directy fall under riyâ' but are the preliminary steps leading to it. They are like signs. warning of the impending arrival of riyâ'. If a person finds himself involved in any of these actions, he should honestly question his motives in doing them in order to avoid actually falling into riyâ'.


    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 21st Dhul-Qa‘dah 1421AH:...‘Alee t said: “Do not be concerned with smallness of deed; rather be concerned with the acceptance of that deed.”

    The Intention is the Foundation of Every Action

    Translated excerpts from the beautiful work by Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (RH) entitled 'Jaami Al-Uloom wal Hikm' in which he has a detailed commentary on 50 ahaadeeth of the Messenger, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. (Basically an-Nawawee’s 42 ahaadeeth with 8 added on)

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