
    Blessings from Allah

    The Bounties of The Dates

    The following article was published in the news, I found it to be beneficial and though of sharing with others: With the arrival of the...

    The Benefits of Eating With the Hand and Its Superiority

    Eating with your hands is natural, enjoyable and beneficial to health. Although it is regarded as impolite and unclean, particularly in the West, it...

    The Handicapped Sign


    The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment

    Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children.

    15 Ways to Increase Earnings With Proofs From The Quran and Sunnah

    In this article read about the 15 things we can do to increase earnings along with the proof from the Quran and Sunnah.

    Reliance upon Allah

    A Muslim does not see reliance upon Allah in his deeds as merely a necessity, rather he sees it as a religious obligation, being among the elements of the Islamic creed, since Allah the Almighty has ordered it.

    The light of guidance

    This seed of goodness is always fighting in man's heart, even when it is covered by layers of whims and desires. When Allâh wills good for His slave, He causes the light of guidance to shine in his heart and guides him to the path of those who are guided.

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