

    The Biggest Change in My Life – A Sister for her Sisters

    As salamu 'alaykum warahmatuallah wabarakatuh I want to talk to you about my life before and after hijab. I am a Muslim girl 20 years...

    Role Models for Muslim Women

    When we examine the lives of the most righteous and highly-ranked women in Islam, it becomes clear which characteristics earned them such a noble...

    Falling in Love: Allowed in Islam?

    what is and what is not permissible with regards to loving someone prior to marriage

    The Romantic Prophet (ﷺ) – How To Be Romantic With Your Spouse

    The husband needs to implement the romance the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasallam displayed. We consider Romeo to be romantic but not the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasallam. If I was to say the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasallam was the most romantic individual, I would not be lying. Looking attentively to the biography of the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasallam, you will find that he was extending a great deal of respect to his wives and was displaying high attention, care and love toward them. He was the best example for the ideal manners toward the wife. He was comforting for his wives, wiping their tears, respecting their emotions, hearing their words, caring for their complaints, alleviating their sadness, going in picnics with them, racing with them, bearing their abandonment, discussing matters with them, keeping their dignity, supporting them in emergencies, declaring his love to them and was very happy with such love. The husband and wife have to bond with one another psychologically, physically and spiritually. Here we discuss some attractive examples and points we need to adopt to achieve a marriage of romance.

    Advice to Mothers-in-Law

    Treat her like your own daughter. Remember when you were a daughter-in-law.

    One Apple Leads To His Marriage. A Beautiful Story!

    The fruit of this marriage was the birth of a child who grew up to be known as...

    A Mother’s Gift: Part 2

    Mother's gift

    A Mother’s Gift: Part 1


    Zubaydah The Empress

    Zubaydah, a great personality of the past

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