

    Role Models for Muslim Women

    When we examine the lives of the most righteous and highly-ranked women in Islam, it becomes clear which characteristics earned them such a noble...

    Parenting: Raising a Child from Age 0 to 2 | Dr. Hatem Al Haj

    In this age group, infants were thought by Jean Piaget to develop skills and experience through sensations and movements; that is why he called...

    How children can honour their parents

    The rights of parents over their children may be summed up as treating them well in all matters, and behaving with them kindly

    The Effect My Father has had on My Life

    A short piece highlighting a father's tarbiya of his daughter

    Etiquette with One’s Parents

    A Muslim believes in his parents' rights upon him and his obligation to be good to them, obey them and to treat them in the best way. This is not just because they are the cause for his existence. It is also not just because they did a great deal of good to him that he must repay and respond to in a proper manner. But it is first and foremost because Allah the Almighty has made it obligatory upon him to obey them.

    Family Values – The Mother

    A well researched article that contains a great admonition regarding our treatment of our parents.

    Honouring the Parents is a Characteristics Excelled in the Prophets

    From the Manners of Islaam - From the example of the Prophets

    Honouring the Parents – Conclusion

    From the Manners of Islaam - A Conclusion to this highly important book...

    Doing Good to Parents and Honouring them after the Worship of Allah ‎ﷻ

    Which action is loved to Allah? he said : "Prayer on its time," so I said : What next? he said : "honouring parents," so I said ...

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