Here then, for my benefit and yours, are the tips from the experts, the tried-and-true heroes who have worked hard at (and, inshaAllah, succeeded at) securing their childrens minds, hearts, and souls.
Brethren in faith! Joining the tie of kinship is one of the greatest responsibilities of man. The kith and kin are the ones with whom one has blood or marriage relationship. Allâh emphasises the importance of the kith and kin in many places in His Book. [Khutbah Medinah 19 Safar 1425 (9 April 2004)]
Today - in sha Allâh - we would like to speak about TV and its dark side. It is not our intention to make you race home to throw the TV off the balcony - although that would be nice. It is our hope that you will leave today in sha Allâh with a better understanding of the destructive nature the TV has on a persons life and hereafter, not only his own, but also his family and children.
"Allâh calls our attention to a great blessing that He has endowed us with. This blessing is the relationship between man and woman by which isolation is removed, happiness is achieved and peace and tranquility are attained in the life of this world. One should therefore, take care of this blessing and not become a cause for its destruction."
Khutbah from Makkah Shabân 28, 1424 (October 24, 2003)
Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 15th Rabeeuth-Thaanee 1422AH: Today the Muslim family faces a grim offensive aimed at shaking its very foundations, by undoing the family ties, spoiling the womens characters, discarding family values, and calling towards nudity, mixing of the sexes and disinhibition. And if the family is destroyed, will there then remain any Muslim nation?