
    Muslim Society

    The Bond of Holy Love

    An extract from Az-Zaujus Salih (The Pious Husband) by Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa The Prophet saw said: “The noblest of you are those who...

    The Blessing of Friday

    Significance and Background of ‘Friday’ Ibn Kathir reported that Friday is called Al-Jumu`ah because it is derived from Al-Jam`, literally, ‘gathering’. The people of Islam...

    The Biggest Change in My Life – A Sister for her Sisters

    As salamu 'alaykum warahmatuallah wabarakatuh I want to talk to you about my life before and after hijab. I am a Muslim girl 20 years...

    The Advice of the Salaf Regarding the Early Upbringing of the Child

    Reference: Mukhtasar Minhaaj Al-Qaasideen The child is taught to not boast in front of his friends and peers about something that his parents own, or...

    What I Learned from My Grandfather : Rubeya Abdullah Bin Faris, Who Just Left this World

    My paternal grandfather passed away yesterday evening at his home in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.“Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.” As...

    Revert Story…

    My name is Muhammad Tim Humble and I accepted Islam at the age of 14. Its a very young age to accept Islam....

    Bilal (Radialla Anhu) and His Sufferings

    Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) is one of the best known of the galaxy of Sahabah as moadhin of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘alayhe wasallam) masjid. He...

    Role Models for Muslim Women

    When we examine the lives of the most righteous and highly-ranked women in Islam, it becomes clear which characteristics earned them such a noble...

    Relation Between Muslims and Non Muslims

    Relationship between Muslims & Non Muslims; whether they are living in a Muslim or non Muslim country but particularly in the West. Sometimes we...

    Latest articles

    Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

    The Bond of Holy Love

    Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

    About Struggling…