
    Business Transactions

    Insurance – The Illusion of Security

    Over any given period of time, anxiety befalls us as individuals, families, or organizations, and we are usually told that the ultimate solution lies in buying insurance. So much so, that in today's society, uninsured people are the subject of pity, for it is assumed that they are too poor to buy insurance. If they can afford it but do not buy it, they are directed to seek psychiatric help.

    Rulings on Currency Exchange

    Currency exchange is selling of one currency for another, for example, the selling of dinars of gold for dinars of silver.

    Fatwa on the Impermissibility of the HSBC and other “Halal” Mortgages

    Many people have enquired about the permissibility under Sharee’ah of the so-called Islamic ijara mortgages recently announced by banks such as HSBC. As it is in the interest of all Muslims to have a current and accurate understanding of the issues involved here, I have concluded the following judgement based upon the Quran and Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of the main school of thoughts.

    Ar-Riba (Usury and Interest)

    This article is a brief discussion of the definition of riba, its rulings and the wisdom behind its prohibition.

    Earning Lawfully

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 17th Shawwaal 1421AH: Seeking for pure earnings is compulsory rather, an incontrovertible issue among the Muslims. Happiness in this world and safety in the hereafter depend on good sayings and deeds, and clean earnings

    A Question of Interest

    Sheikh Ibn Baaz's Stance against the desire of the government to establish riba based institutions. Taken from 'A Question of Interest: the Paralysis of Saudi Banking' (pp.186-188)

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