
    Acts of Worship

    Salat al-Duha

    Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Charity is required from every part of your body daily. Ordering the good is charity. Eradicating the evil is charity. And what suffices for that (as a charity) are the two rak`ahs of Duha.

    When should we say “Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah”?

    The various instances when it is prescribed to say the Hawqalah

    3 Stages to Tahajjud

    Brief, yet practical tips for praying tahajjud

    Rulings on Menstruation

    Rulings regarding numerous menstruation issues

    Understanding Eclipses The Islamic Way

    A detailed discussion about the eclipse prayer and the respective rulings

    Visiting The Graves

    A detailed discussion regarding the ruling of visiting the graves and various scenarios that apply

    Really, Those Are The Men!

    If the people knew what is the reward of making the call (for the prayer) and (of being in) the first row (in the prayer), and they found no other way to get this privilege except by casting lots, they would certainly cast lots for it. If they knew the reward of coming early, they would race for it, and if they knew the reward of the ‘Ishâ` and morning (i.e. Fajr) prayers, they would go for the prayer even if they had to crawl to reach there.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

    Du’aa’s between the adhaan and iqaamah

    With regard to the time between the adhaan and iqaamah, du’aa’ is encouraged at this time and it is mustahabb.

    Congregational Prayer

    Through the congregational prayer the Muslims attain mutual love, respect and brotherhood

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