
    Islamic History

    Shamâ´il al-Muhammadiyyah Part 1

    The first hadîth from the book. "The Stature and Physical Characteristics of the Messenger of Allâh, sallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam"

    With Abbreviated Notes from various classical commentaries Compiled by Abû Rumaysah

    Death of a Great Scholar

    A brief history of the death of a great Scholar of islâm: Bin Jubayr He was known for his scrupulous piety and a man of great knowledge and action who was waging jihâd to raise the flag of La ilaha ill Allâh the uppermost.

    Sulaiman (as) and the Ant

    One of the blessings extended to Sulaiman (as) was his ability to converse with the natural living environment. This article, looks at the incident of the ant, as is explained in the Qur'an in Surat al-Naml 27:17-19.

    Muhammad ﷺ – The Best of the Prophets

    This extract is taken from the book, Bidayatus-Suwal, upon the excellence of Muhammad sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam above all of the creation

    Description of the Prophet ﷺ #1

    Chapter 1 of Shamâ’il al-Muhammadiyyah: with annotated notes from the commentaries of 'Ali al-Qari and al-Munawi, this is the first part in a series...

    Women of Paradise: The Black Woman

    The black woman is not even known by her name, or her exact whereabouts, rather she is known by her deeds, her faith, her modesty, her chastity, and for her being an inmate of Paradise. And, in the end, that is what matters most....

    Reflecting over and Learning from Past Events

    Friday Sermon given at the Holy Mosque in Makkah, Shawwaal, 20, 1422: When one reflects over the crises that Islaam has underwent in its long history, one will find out that, regardless of the civilization, light, justice and fairness that nations and communities had enjoyed under the rule of Islaam, these crises had significantly weakened the Islaamic civilization in a way that has been a cause of joy for its enemies. However, these crises has its positive impacts. It has reawaken the Muslims, afforded them the opportunity to examine themselves and created in them stronger determination and hope....

    The Battle of Uhud: Victory – Not Defeat

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 1st Rabee’uth-Thaanee 1422AH: The noble companions were by no means the best of this Ummah by virtue of their being the first to embrace Islam, but rather by virtue of their companionship and courage. They sacrificed their lives and bodies for this religion….

    History of Imaam Maalik

    Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 26th Jumaadal-Aakhirah 1422AH:...The people of knowledge and understanding that I have met in our country, when one of them was asked a question on an issue, he would feel like the one about to die. But the people of our own time love giving fatwaa (without hesitation). Had they know what they are going to face tomorrow (in the Day of Judgement) they would not have done that

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