
    Islamic History

    Memoirs from the life of Imam Ahmad

    A brief history of the life of Imam Ahmad and how he would get persecuted because of his love for the Sunnah and his stand against those that would seek to corrupt it.

    Al-Mahdi & A Caliphate That Follows the Guidance of the Prophet (saws)

    A discussion on the Sunni belief about the Mahdi and a brief commentry on the four types of rulership over the Mulsims leading to a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood.

    Remove Him From This Land

    In the book, Muslim Judges of Andalus, by Abû al-Hasan ibn Abdullâh al-Mâliqî, he recounts a story about the great scholar of our Ummah: Muhammad ibn At-Tayyib Abû Bakr al-BâqillânÎ (d. 1013). Let’s spend a moment in his sandals, perhaps we may feel the power that Islâm had in the hearts of those Muslims.

    History of Islâm in China

    According to the traditions of the Muslims of China,it was during the Caliphate of Uthman that Islâm was first brought to China. The leader of this delegation was Said Ibn Abi Waqqas, one of the noted Companions of the Prophet.

    His party included fifteen persons who had travelled together by way of the Indian Ocean and the China Sea to the port city of Guangzhou in southeaster China, going overland from there to the capital city, Chang'an, where they paid their respects to the emperor.

    The Story of Ibrahîm – ﷺ

    A beautiful descriptive story about the noble family of Ibrahîm (alaihi as-salâm) since every act of Hajj refers back to the righteous actions and struggle of either Ibrahîm (alaihias-salâm), his wife Hajrah or his son Ismaîl (alaihi as-salâm).

    The history of this family teaches spiritual lessons of complete devotion to Allâh and sincerity to Him.

    Shamâ´il al-MuHammadiyyah part 12

    Ahadîth twenty two to twenty three from the book. With Abbreviated Notes from various classical commentaries.

    "I asked Abū Sa`îd al-Khudrî about the seal of the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ - i.e. the Seal of Prophecy - and he replied, 'A protruding piece of flesh on his back.' I asked Abū Sa`îd al-Khudrî about the seal of the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ - i.e. the Seal of Prophecy - and he replied, 'A protruding piece of flesh on his back.' "

    Shamâ´il al-MuHammadiyyah part 10

    Ahadîth seventeen and eighteen from the book. With Abbreviated Notes from various classical commentaries.

    "I saw the seal between the shoulder blades of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, a reddish protruding part of the flesh resembling the egg of a pigeon. ..."

    Shamâ´il al-Muhammadiyyah Part 3

    Ahadîth four to six from the book. With Abbreviated Notes from various classical commentaries Compiled by Abû Rumaysah

    Shamâ´il al-Muhammadiyyah Part 2

    The second and third ahadîth from the book. "The Stature and Physical Characteristics of the Messenger of Allâh, ‎ﷺ" With Abbreviated Notes from various classical commentaries Compiled by Abû Rumaysah

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