
    Life of Muhammad

    Seven of the most beloved places to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    There are seven physical places that Prophet ﷺ loved and spoke about on several occasions. As Muslims, we should all make sure we stay...

    Lessons on Compassion for Our Troubled World from The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

    Fourteen hundred years ago, amid a cradle of turmoil, in the scorching barren desert of Makkah, the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ﷺ was...

    The Prophet’s Giving of Glad Tidings In the Hardest of Situations

    What we Muslims need today is a change of understanding; we need to step out of our time and place and see our situation in light of the laws that Allah placed in His creation, and the guidance that He sent His Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, with.

    The unique features of the seerah (biography of Muhammad)

    The Seerah has a number of unique features which make studying it a source of spiritual and intellectual pleasure. Studying it is essential for all scholars of shari'ah, daa 'iyahs who call people to Allah and those who are concerned with social reforms, to ensure that Islam will be conveyed to the people in a convincing manner, so that they will know that it is the refuge to which they should turn at times of trouble or confusion, so that the people's hearts will be open to the daa 'iyahs and the reforms promoted by the reformers will be more successful and more sound.

    The Birth-Date of the Prophet and the History of the Mawlid – Part III of III

    A detailed research in to the validity of celebrating the birthday of prophet Muhammad saw

    The Birth-Date of the Prophet and the History of the Mawlid Part II of III

    It is unanimously agreed upon, by historians, legal specialists and theologians of all groups, that the Prophet ﷺ himself never commanded his followers to...

    The Birth-Date of the Prophet and the History of the Mawlid Part I of III

    This article comprises of three parts. In part one, the various opinions regarding the birth-date of the beloved Prophet ﷺ are mentioned. In part...

    A Brief History of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam in Makkah

    Praise be to Allah. Al-Masjid al-Haraam (the Sacred Mosque) is situated in Makkah, a city in the Arabian Peninsula 330 meters above sea-level. The history...

    The Prophet’s ﷺ Heart

    While describing the Prophet ﷺ, ʿAlī (RA) said, “He had the most giving of hearts.” Ibn al-Qayyim, Jalaʾ al-Afhām, pg. 199, commented, “because of...

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