
    Life of Muhammad

    Prophetic Methodologies in Da’wah

    In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. Allah (the Majestic) distinguished this Ummah over other nations due to us establishing...

    What Are the Seven Rights of the Prophet ﷺ

    To travel through any Muslim land is to see tall, graceful towers – minarets – studded across the landscape from which, five times a...

    Why Was the Qiblah Changed from Jerusalem to Makkah?

    Two momentous events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) bear special significance as regards the institution of Prayer (Salah) in...

    How He Treated Them [4/4]

    Aspects of Emulating the Prophet’s Example Continued from the previous article... A person who contemplates the Prophet’s life finds that it includes every aspect of etiquette...

    How He Treated Them [3/4]

    Continued from the previous article… The Messenger: The Excellent Example Allah The Exalted Says (what means), There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah...

    How He Treated Them [2/4]

    Continued from the previous article… Supplicating for the Prophet of Allah Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad ﷺ to all of creation as a witness, a bringer...

    How He Treated Them [1/4]

    Introduction Today, more than ever, individuals find themselves in desperate need of guidance, and by extension, in need of a guide to make sense of...

    In The Company Of The Messenger Of Allah ﷺ

    Anas Ibn Malik (RA) is one of the illustrious Sahabi who served the Prophet ﷺ and was at his side for years since the...

    The Prophet’s Character

    This is a short piece translated from Ibn Qudamah’s Mukhtasar Minhaj al-Qasidin. It distils a picture the Qur’an and hadiths buildup of the Prophet’s...

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