
    Islamic History

    Mary in Islam (Part 1 – 3)

    Description: The first of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Mary: Part 1: Her childhood. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, holds a...

    Julaybib: “This man is of me and I am of him” By : Abdul-Wahid Hamid

    His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small gown" being the diminuitive form of the word jalbab. The name is an indication that...

    Abdul Sattar Edhi : Humanitarian to a Nation

    In the cool interior of a mental ward in Karachi, a short, powerfully built man with a flowing snow-white beard and penetrating dark-brown eyes...

    Story of the Leper, the Bald Man and the Blind Man

    Narrated Abu Huraira, that he heard Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam saying: Allah willed to test three who were a leper, a blind man and...

    The Story of the Prisoners of the Battle of Badr

    On their way back to Madinah, at a large sand hill, the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam divided the spoils equally among the fighters...

    Prophetic Methodologies in Da’wah

    In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. Allah (the Majestic) distinguished this Ummah over other nations due to us establishing...

    What Are the Seven Rights of the Prophet ﷺ

    To travel through any Muslim land is to see tall, graceful towers – minarets – studded across the landscape from which, five times a...

    Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Al-Faruq

    In this tour we will be in the company of the second man in Islam, after the Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace of...

    Abu Bakr: His Bravery

    ‘Ali said: ‘Tell me who is the bravest of men?’ They said, ‘You.’ He said, ‘As for me, I never encountered anyone but that...

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