
    Islamic Belief

    Surat An-Nasr In Focus

    When there comes the Help of Allâh and the Conquest. And you see that the people enter Allâh’s religion in crowds. So glorify the...

    Allah will replace with something which is better

    The teacher of our teachers, the great scholar and historian, Shaikh Muhammad Raaghib At-Tabbaakh, rahimahullaah, mentioned the following story in his book “I’laam an-Nubalaa...

    The Difference between Sincere Advice and Criticism

    In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful All praise belongs to Allah alone, Lord of the Universe, may His peace and...

    The Prohibition of Alcohol: Part 1

    In the Holy Qur'an the word Khamr has been used for alcoholic drinks. During the days of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon...

    The World of Jinn

    The Quran and Sunnah (Prophet's sayings and actions) indicate that the jinn exist, and that there is a purpose for their existence in this...

    The Soul’s Journey after Death

    The Soul's Journey after Death, Allah the Most Exalted, Says in the Quran (what means): "Then why, when it reaches the throat. And you...

    The Reality of Ruh (Spirit or Soul)

    What is the soul? According to the following Quranic verse and hadith, the knowledge of soul (ruh) is only with Allah. However, as explained later,...

    The Middle Prayer

    May the Peace and Blessings of Allah Azza wa Jal, our Lord Glorified and Praised be He, be upon our beloved Prophet, his...

    Sujood ash-Shukr: Rules, Regulations & Innovations

    In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. Sujood ash-Shukr is a prostration which is performed for Allah, in order to...

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