Innovation in Islaam is the invention, creation or addition of any religious matter which was not (originally) found in Islaam. Therefore, Islaam warns against it and invalidates any religious deed which does not originate from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. Taken From
Al-Manar - Issue 52 (January 1997)
Every action that is not performed for His sake then it is wasted and severed. Every heart that does not reach Him is wretched, veiled from achieving its success and happiness....
...he sees every [good] that becomes easy for him to perform to be as a result of His Lords' Generosity and Beneficence. He sees everything that he dislikes being a result of his sins and His Lords' justice...
In this lies a great secret from the secrets of Tawheed. This is that the heart cannot become firm, it cannot find satisfaction and it cannot find tranquillity except by reaching out to Him....
Based upon an article by Imaam Ibn al Qayyim al-Jawzeeyah in his book, "Igathatul-Lahfan min Massa'id Ash-Shaytaan: The Relief of the Yearning (person) from the Traps of the Devil)"