

    The 7 People Under The Shade of Allah ﷻ

    Take advantage of 5 before 5

    take advantage of 5 before 5, age, wealth, time, life, health

    This person has the lowest rank in Jannah…

    The Lowest Rank of Those in Paradise

    What’s the Language of the People of Paradise? (It’s not what you’re probably thinking…)

    Ibn Taymiyyah's fatwa about the language of the hereafter

    Everlasting Life in Paradise

    Death will be brought on the Day of Resurrection in the form of a white-colored ram." [Abu Kuraib made the addition, "Then it will be made to stand...

    The Seven Under the Shade of Allah (SWT)

    "There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade..."

    The Grave

    Reading the hadith in this articl, one may think that the punishment of the grave is reserved only for those who did not believe in Allah or associated with him someone else in worship, lordship, creation or in his names and attributes. It is not the case!....

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