
    False Belief

    Islam and Halloween

    Every year, on the evening of October 31st, children around the world paint their faces, dress up in costumes, and go from door to...

    A Refutation of those that say ‘Mother Nature’ shapes natural design

    This article refutes those that claim that an entity known as 'Mother Nature' is responsible for the design of all living things.

    Refutation of the ‘Satanic Verses Incident’ used to undermine Qur’anic authenticty

    Today we are finding that some of the 'Islamic reformers' are using the old arguments of the orientalists to push their agendas. This article refutes one such argument. The story which we have summarized in the beginning suggests that Muhammad(P) did not realize his fault until God admonished him six years later and that the matter was rectified perhaps another two and a half years after. In the meantime the Muslims were supposedly asking Allat, Manat and Uzza for intercession! Had the genuine state of affairs truly been this ridiculous, it would have been impossible for Muhammad(P) to have maintained such a loyal following.

    The Scholars Agree on the Correctness of Ibn Taymiyyah’s Works

    A short statement of great scholars, like Ibn Kathir, who came to the defense of Ibn Taymiyyah...

    Innovation in Islaam

    Innovation in Islaam is the invention, creation or addition of any religious matter which was not (originally) found in Islaam. Therefore, Islaam warns against it and invalidates any religious deed which does not originate from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. Taken From Al-Manar - Issue 52 (January 1997)

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