
    Divine Decree

    The Soul’s Journey after Death

    The Soul's Journey after Death, Allah the Most Exalted, Says in the Quran (what means): "Then why, when it reaches the throat. And you...

    Why Was the Qiblah Changed from Jerusalem to Makkah?

    Two momentous events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) bear special significance as regards the institution of Prayer (Salah) in...

    Dealing With Thoughts of Suicide

    I have been answering questions at (formerly for over ten years now. I tend to see the same types of questions asked...

    Death: More Than Just an Individual’s Life Being Taken Away

    All praise is due to Allah, who reminds his slaves that their lives have an appointed time and that the successful ones are those...

    The Great Trial Of The Dajjal

    As truth becomes regarded as falsehood and falsehood regarded as truth we are reminded of the trial of the Dajjal that is to come. The fitnah of the Dajjal will be the greatest fitnah from the time Allah created Adam until the Hour begins. This will be because of the mighty miracles that Allah will create with him, which will dazzle people’s minds and amaze them. Every Muslim should know his signs and the means to protect oneself from this trial.

    Shakwa: Complaining about Allah to the People

    It is truly an ignorant person who complains about Allāh to people. Such a person has displayed the deepest depths of ignorance concerning both...

    Who is in Control?

    A personal reflection on the Divine Decree exhibiting in everyday life.

    Belief in Al-Qadr

    An excellent and detailed description of what the belief in al-qadr entails

    Du’a And Its Relationship With Destiny

    Taken from the Book: Dua: The Weapon of the Believer: - To summarise, then, Divine Decree (qadr) cannot be used as an excuse not to make du’a. For, just as one strives to ensure that one attains worldly needs, of food, drink and family, so too must one strive in ones religious deeds to attain the desired goal. Du’a is intrinsically related to qadr; in fact, it is a part of one’s qadr.

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