
    Islamic Belief

    Which Direction Is Mecca

    Muslim prayers have a geographic angle not found in other religious traditions. The holiest site in Islam is the Kaaba, a mosque in Mecca,...

    The REAL Christmas Story: How a Prophet was turned into a god

    On December 25th, most Christians around the world will be celebrating Christmas, a day that commemorates the birth of who they believe is their...

    When Your Deeds Are Weighed

    The Mīzān (The Scale) After the reckoning, man will move onto a second stage of judging in which his deeds will be weighed. The first...

    Prophetic Methodologies in Da’wah

    In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. Allah (the Majestic) distinguished this Ummah over other nations due to us establishing...

    What Are the Seven Rights of the Prophet ﷺ

    To travel through any Muslim land is to see tall, graceful towers – minarets – studded across the landscape from which, five times a...

    Black Holes, Stephen Hawking, Heaven & Hell

    In 1985, I started my degree in Astrophysics up in the north of England, at one of the only two places in the country...

    The Virtue of Reading Books

    2414: Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Isma’il al-Bukhari was asked: “What is it that strengthens one’s memory?” He replied: “Constantly looking through books.” 2415: Ahmad bin...

    Rabi al-Awwal & Christmas

    From Superstitions into Light Rabi’ul-Awwal is the most significant month in the Islamic history, because humanity has been blessed in this month by the birth...

    3 Keys to Fearing Allah and Leaving Sin

    These are the three things, this real fear, this deep rooted fear in the heart of a person comes from three things: That he knows...

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